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Lucas Brahme Wants to Eat Himself

And he wants you to, too.

Actor, Musician, Performance Artist Lucas Brahme talks grossing out his audience, immortalization and preservation, and paying homage in the many pieces he has on display in Food Show.

  • “I can feel how your skin feels on my tongue, and it’s disgusting.”

    from Lucas Brahme Wants to Eat Himself

Something Like Drowning

“Something Like Drowning” was named Honorable Mention in the 2018 Art of Prose Contest for Pigeon Pages magazine. It was nominated for a Pushcart Prize, the Robert J. Dau PEN Award, and Best of the Net.

  • "Sevi slunk through their house like one of those dead foxes rich women wear around their necks in the winter—deflated and lifeless."

    from Something Like Drowning